Friday, October 2, 2015

WWII - Asan Beach and Agat Beach

I remember when we walked through Pearl Harbor and took a charter boat through what used to be Battleship Row to the USS Arizona Memorial, I was filled with so much emotion and feeling. So many lives were lost and so much destruction. It was humbling and moving to see. They same feeling came over me when we walked on Asan and Agat Beach. These two beaches were the location of the July 21, 1944 American Invasions on Guam to reclaim the territory from the Japanese and liberate the Chamorro's. 

The first beach we went to was Agat Beach where the 1st Provisional Marine Brigade landed

This was an interesting site to see. Just one month ago, September 2, was the 70th Anniversary for the conclusion of WWII with the official Japanese surrender. To see the American, Japanese, and Guam Flags flying next to each other truly symbolizes peace and unity.

Another Japanese Anti-Aircraft gun. Approximately a 5in diameter on the barrel of this weapon..... Massive payload was fired from here

The metal box in the shallows are "pill boxes" - A pill box is a trench like fortification that were used to provide protection while still able to fire weapons at the oncoming target. This one had several loop holes on the side so the Japanese could stick their weapons out and still fire at the Americans

It was something special to be able to experience this with my family but wish the kids were a bit older to actually appreciate what we were doing and understand the historical significance of the beach we were standing on

This forest looking bush area is the concrete Japanese Strong Hold Fortress

So many little caves into the center - I didn't walk through these areas due to spiderwebs, other reptile remnants, and small confined spaces (Thanks Dad... That came from you too :-) )

Kids enjoyed this part of the "walking" :-) Walking in and out of the different areas 

Look Mom! This is our room!

Daddy and his little boys :-) Warms my heart

Next stop Asan Beach where the 3rd Marine Division landed

There is some un-exploded ordinance still in the water 


This is a 50th Anniversary monument for the Marines, Navy, Army, and Airforce

US Submarine Torpedo donated by the Commander Submarine Pacific Fleet

A very moving experience and I am so fortunate to have ad the opportunity to get up close and personal with history and the specific battles that occurred in the Pacific

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