Ya know, when I first heard this song in 2007/2008 I absolutely hated it and it became a running joke every time I walked into the detention camps for work. I seriously could not escape the song. Don't Blink by Kenny Chesney was one of top country songs in that year. You couldn't turn on the radio without hearing it... Fast forward 9 years and as I'm driving my kids to school on their first day, this song comes on the radio. Coincidence, I think not. I almost changed the station but for whatever reason and really listened to it.
~ 1st Day of School ~
Seriously.... Don't Blink! 100 years really does and will go by faster than you think. And just like that, my babies are off to school. 1st grade, Kindergarten, and Preschool. Yes... We are welcoming our son in 2 very short weeks but it is a strange feeling to have the others gone and out of the house. For the longest time I had at least 2 kids in diapers at the same time and now I will have just one.
It is honestly amazing how fast the time is flying by before our eyes. Ashlynn is going to be 7 in a few months and it feels like yesterday that Will and I were in the hospital for her birth. Now she has 2 little brothers and soon to have a another one. Sure... being a parent of multiple children is tough. Hell... just being a parent is tough but it is such a beautiful ride and watching them grow so close together is truly magical.
Montgomery Elementary School's newest students
So fast forward to this morning when I dropped them all off at school on their first day. They were so excited and momma was a scatterbrained mess. Were they going to like their teacher? What if Ash got lost? What if something happens that only mom knows how to handle? These are serious issues people!!! I never thought I would be "That Parent" but today I was. I was so emotionally conflicted this morning. Mike had been going to school in Russia for the past year and a half, but this felt different. This solidified the fact he is school aged. Kids come and go in the International School so often that it never fully felt like a permanent "thing". He entered his Kindergarten classroom with such confidence and at that point I knew he was going to be fine. I didn't need to worry :-)
Navigating the hallways with CJ
Look at that smile ~ Yep, he's happy
Good Bye hugs from CJ
Ash on the other hand, unfortunately did not have the same experience in Russia that Mike did. Sakhalin International was extremely tough for her so she was home-schooled through Kindergarten and with the help of some super fabulous momma's in our expat community, Ash was totally socialized, had great friends, and had as much of a "normal" experience as possible. This was her first time in a real school setting. To say I was nervous about today is gross understatement. I was stressing out all day and trying to keep myself busy. Was her teacher going to understand? Is Ash going to be Ok? But she was so excited and sat right at her desk, began to color the morning assignment and settled right in. So for her it is "one day at a time". She came in the car after school and was still very excited about her day. She told me all the stories she read, the assignments she did in the best way she could explain. She even got a Super Star sticker in her conduct folder they send home everyday with the kids. So yes, one day at a time :-)

She looks so confident and I am so happy she was excited!
More Good Bye hugs from CJ
That's my girl! Star Student!!!
So today was a success. Hopefully tomorrow is just as great and they continue to love school. I am excited to see how they grow this year. Especially Ash. Being in a real school is so good for her. I know not everyday is going to be this good. I know there will be some mountains to cross but together we will overcome them :-)
Here's to a fantastic start to a great year!
SSOOOOOO HAPPY everything went great! So happy and proud of those little kiddos and if you had asked me, I would have told that everything will go great! Momma dont stress lol We miss you tho and look forward to seeing you guys here soon so dont have too much fun! Counting down to Connor! xxxxxx