Wow.... Will and I are parents of 4 kids!! Holy Cow!! So we are just about 3 weeks into this whole "parenting a newborn" thing and it is a work in progress. We were so far from the baby phase that I had a mild anxiety attack before Connor was born thinking I did not know what to do or how to take care of a newborn baby. Buying diapers was overwhelming and pretty sure I cried in the aisle as I just stared at all the options. Plus I was anxious for Will to come home and that added to the emotions (but in a good way). Our family had been separated for 7 weeks and he came home 2 days before the birth. I seriously felt like a teenage girl going on her first date. I had butterflies in my stomach and felt like I need to be at my absolute best, whatever that is at 9M pregnant :-) But hey... If after 9 years of being with the same person and they still give you butterflies, you know you have a good thing! We all went to the airport to pick him up and the kids made the best "Welcome Home Daddy" sign ever!

These kids spent 3 nights working on this sign for Will. I helped them spell out Welcome Home Daddy and they glued it down by themselves.
They were so excited to see him! Such a heartwarming experience to see the kids run full speed to hug DADDY! I was delighted to have him home s well.
Lets discuss the events of September 6, 2016 shall we... One of the best days of my life. Will and I welcomed Connor Thomas Fry born at 12:39pm weighing in at 7lbs 14oz. He was the biggest baby we have had.
I was extremely exhausted but felt really good. Connor was my 3rd C-Section and I only needed pain pills on day 2. The rest of the time I took Motrin. I was up walking around most of the second day. This was an extra special time for me because Connor was delivered the day before my birthday. 32 years old never felt better! I laid there holding my holding my beautiful and healthy baby boy and counted all of my blessings. Will picked the other kids up from school and they all came up to the hospital to meet their new brother.
They were so excited to meet the baby but the first thing they all shouted was "MOM CAN WE SEE WHERE THE DOCTOR CUT YOUR BELLY!!!" So fascinated with blood and how Connor exited my body. When I was flipping through Will's photos, I noticed that he took a picture of the actual birth of Connor. As soon as they pulled him out, Will leaned over the blue curtain and snapped a shot. Belly cut wide open, umbilical cord still attached, and C-section in all it's glory. We showed this picture to the kids because they really wanted to understand how Connor was born. Thinking it might freak them out, we talked a little bit about it. Not my kids..... They thought that was the coolest thing they had ever seen! Weirdos!!!!
She could not wait to get her hands on her baby brother. Miss Ash is such a great big sister and so helpful!
And Connor has the two best big brothers any one could ask for even though one is he devil incarnate :-) Just kidding, We Love CJ!!!
Monsters took over my hospital bed to watch cartoons and snack on carrots
Homework time!
Connor got a sweet camo knit hat that some of the volunteers made
I left the hospital on the 3rd day and life with four kids officially began. It was pretty easy getting back into a routine. Every morning Connor and I went with Will to drop the other kids off at school and we also joined him for afternoon pick up. We will have to adapt when Will heads back to Russia so why not start now. We have him on a good feeding schedule and pretty close to having a solid night time sleep schedule down. 1030pm, 330am, then again between 6 and 630am. Overall, pretty good for 3 weeks old.
3 weeks post partum and I feel great as well. I gained 30 pounds with Connor and gave birth tipping the scales at 183lbs! I know!! Well... I have lost all the baby weight already and though my body composition is much different and more squishy than before I got pregnant, I really feel amazing. I can't work out yet but I can walk and light wights (IE: Connor).
Heading into a slew of emotions as we get ready to say goodbye to Will for 8 weeks. It sucks and I hate it but it is just 8 weeks. We can do this.
Single parent life with 4 kids commencing in T-Minus 20 hours :-(